Hellboy II: the Golden Army
“In this continuation to the adventure of the demon superhero, an evil elf breaks an ancient pact between humans and creatures, as he declares war against humanity. He is on a mission to release The Golden Army, a deadly group of fighting machines that can destroy the human race. As Hell on Earth is ready to erupt, Hellboy and his crew set out to defeat the evil prince before The Golden Army can destroy humanity's existence.” (imdb.com)
Love Songs
Julie's boyfriend Ismaƫl lives with her. Rather than worry about the time he spends with his colleague Alice, Julie invites Alice to join them. The three walk the streets of Paris, party, read, and sleep together. Then death strikes. In various ways, those left come to terms with the departure and absence of a loved one. A musical interpretation of three lovers. In French.
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
Last week on the new book truck:
Death Defying Acts : Houdini’s Secret
This is the story of Harry Houdini and the psychic with whom he had an affair. Stars Catherine Zeta-Jones and Guy Pearce.
Director M. Night Shyamalan had a huge success with his film The Sixth Sense. Those he’s made since then have been hit or miss. This film, starring Mark Wahlberg, deals with the mystery of the loss of bees in Central Park followed by the odd and disturbing behavior among the people of New York, spreading throughout the Northeast.
Incredible Hulk
Ed Norton stars this time around as Dr. Bruce Banner and the green monster he turns into.
Journey to the Center of the Earth (3D)
Complete with 3-D glasses and starring the ever-lovable Brendan Fraser, this is an adventure film loosely based on the novel by Jules Verne.
Life Before Her Eyes
“A dramatic thriller about Diana, a suburban wife and mother who begins to question her seemingly perfect life--and perhaps her sanity--on the 15th anniversary of a tragic high school shooting that took the life of her best friend.” (imdb.com) Starring Uma Thurman and Evan Rachel Wood.
And 3 donated dvd’s:
Apocalypse Now (1979)
This is Coppola’s Vietnam War masterpiece starring Marlon Brando, Martin Sheen and many others. Unforgettable!
Cape Fear (1991)
This Scorsese remake of a very creepy 1962 film stars Robert DiNiro and Nick Nolte. Scorsese’s version is just as creepy as the original.
Galaxy Quest (1999)
Tim Allen and Sigourney Weaver star in this sci-fi comedy.
This is the story of Harry Houdini and the psychic with whom he had an affair. Stars Catherine Zeta-Jones and Guy Pearce.
Director M. Night Shyamalan had a huge success with his film The Sixth Sense. Those he’s made since then have been hit or miss. This film, starring Mark Wahlberg, deals with the mystery of the loss of bees in Central Park followed by the odd and disturbing behavior among the people of New York, spreading throughout the Northeast.
Incredible Hulk
Ed Norton stars this time around as Dr. Bruce Banner and the green monster he turns into.
Journey to the Center of the Earth (3D)
Complete with 3-D glasses and starring the ever-lovable Brendan Fraser, this is an adventure film loosely based on the novel by Jules Verne.
Life Before Her Eyes
“A dramatic thriller about Diana, a suburban wife and mother who begins to question her seemingly perfect life--and perhaps her sanity--on the 15th anniversary of a tragic high school shooting that took the life of her best friend.” (imdb.com) Starring Uma Thurman and Evan Rachel Wood.
And 3 donated dvd’s:
Apocalypse Now (1979)
This is Coppola’s Vietnam War masterpiece starring Marlon Brando, Martin Sheen and many others. Unforgettable!
Cape Fear (1991)
This Scorsese remake of a very creepy 1962 film stars Robert DiNiro and Nick Nolte. Scorsese’s version is just as creepy as the original.
Galaxy Quest (1999)
Tim Allen and Sigourney Weaver star in this sci-fi comedy.
Thursday, November 6, 2008
A guest posting from my colleague Judie Harren...
A young couple returning from doing missionary work in China decides to take the Transsiberian train back to Moscow to extend their adventure and become embroiled in a complex, and ultimately life-threatening, relationship with two other passengers. The bleak landscape, the mounting tension and the unexpected plot twists make this a powerful drama. There is some violence but it is very much a part of this intriquing story.
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