Monday, May 19, 2008

Young @ Heart

I’m getting behind in my film reporting. I start up a film blog and now all I want to do is watch movies so that I can write in my blog. Trouble is I’m watching them faster than I’m writing. Last Thursday I went to the theater to see Young @ Heart. I went with a couple of my young at heart friends, one of whom hadn’t been to a movie theater in years. Young @ Heart is a documentary film about a senior citizen singing group in Northampton, Mass. who sings rock music, gives concerts and in fact travels the world. This is a wonderfully inspirational group. In spite of various health issues and failing memories these people have such a joy for life. They may grumble, they may complain but they never miss a rehearsal. The 3 of us left happy and inspired. My one friend even decided she’d like to go to more movies. I wish the group would give a concert in Albany. I for one would be there cheering!
For other films about senior citizens see the DVDs Schultze Gets the Blues (German; a retired polka playing musician discovers Zydeco music which changes his life) and Boynton Beach Club (romantic comedy in an "active adult" community).

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