Thursday, June 26, 2008


Americans love lists. How many times have we been asked “what is your favorite…” or “what is your least favorite…” I don’t know about you but I have a very hard time picking my favorite of anything, especially movies. The American Film Institute doesn’t have this problem. They have come out with “America’s 10 greatest films in 10 classic genres.” This program aired on the AMC channel on June 17th and will be aired again on September 23rd. The films and genres were voted on by a jury of over 1,500 film artists, critics and historians who were asked to consider over 500 films and rate them using a particular set of criteria. Their final lists can be viewed at: So if you have a specific genre you really love and want to see the best films of that type, this set of lists will tell you what they are. Lists are a great way of broadening your cine knowledge and a list of only 10 long is a lot easier to tackle than a top 100 list. So try some of these titles. If you’ve seen them before you can enjoy them all over again and if you haven’t, well then, you’ve got some great movie-watching ahead of you!

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