Wednesday, October 1, 2008

The Ninth Annual Film Columbia Festival

Chatham, NY is once again hosting the Film Columbia Festival from October 16-19, 2008. This is 4 days of films, 1 filmmaker panel discussion on “Indie films on small screens: the next big thing?”, a screenwriting competition and panel discussion, parties and lots of film talk. Some of the films being shown are:

The Secret Life of Bees (starring Paul Bettany and Queen Latifah),

Synedoche, New York (with Philip Seymour Hoffman and Michelle Williams),

Happy-Go-Lucky (Mike Leigh’s new film) and Two Lovers (with Joaquin Phoenix and Gwyneth Paltrow).

This is just the short list: the days are full of films to watch and enjoy. I’ve never been to this film festival mainly because I don’t like standing in lines to buy tickets. This year however, you can buy a film pass or a gold pass that lets you into all films and events. So if you’ve always wanted to go to a film festival this might be a good one to try since it’s just a short and pleasant drive to Chatham. For festival information call 518-392-3445, or on the web at

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